
Showing posts from December, 2020

What if We Took Our Chance to Change Education Forever?

What if We Took Our Chance to Change Education Forever? Brian Costello  One of the many major sectors that have been drastically altered by the surreal events throughout 2020 has been education.  Hundreds of millions of school-aged kids and young adults have seen their traditional school setting either significantly changed, or in some ways, completely destroyed.  Back in April of this year educators across the world and the world wide web were looking at the tragedy as an opportunity to rebuild the system and create a better world in which our children can learn. Fast forward eight months, and as we look to put a year full of tragedy and disruption behind us, so many schools around the world are rushing to return to "normal". Unfortunately, for so much of the world, normal was no longer filling the needs of learners and society in the 21st Century.  We've had the chance, and while many of us have been pushing ideas to try and change education for the better, there a...

Virtual Reality for Virtual Learning

 Learning with virtual reality has hit a small snag in the hybrid and virtual learning scenario, getting kids access to materials necessary to engage in immersive experiences.  During hybrid experiences, kids see headsets, and their excitement peaks, but unfortunately using them is not necessarily conducive to safety in the current pandemic environment.  Despite this, virtual reality still provides incredible opportunities for learning and also amazing opportunities for opening up possibilities to future pathways in the world.  Virtual Reality remains a critical technology for industry and enterprise as companies move into the virtual world.   Two major challenges are what to do with headsets now, and how we can access virtual experiences at home.  One of the gateways for many kids and teachers into the world of virtual reality has been Google Expeditions.  Expeditions was created as a way to bring kids into learning through VR and immerse them in...