How to Study Smarter, not Harder!

Studying is absolutely necessary if you plan on succeeding in any educational environment! However, many of us never got a formal education on HOW to study! In fact, studying well and efficiently is an art all on its own! Many of us study so hard and curse the process the whole time, but it doesn't have to be like that! There are ways and best practices to follow to study smarter and not harder! These tips are so helpful you might (gasp) enjoy studying! The very first tip to start studying smarter, not harder, is to space out your studying! Cramming is often a default for many of us because procrastination did its damage and now we are stuck with far more studying than we can handle in a very short period of time. However, this is so counterproductive! Our brains can only absorb so much at once so you end up wasting a lot of time and forgetting information almost as soon as you review it! Instead of falling into this cycle, space out your studying and set times/days you will...