Thank You Teachers!
Dear World,
Today there are no welcome breakfasts, there are no snack trays in the lunchroom, no cards, or candies. There are no hugs, no smile as your kids walk in the room and you greet them. Every year we take for granted that Teacher Appreciation Week will come and go with a handful of kind gestures that warm our heart paired with a feeling of disillusionment when we get messages of appreciation but often little changes in our daily work that shows this level of gratitude. This week everything has changed. This week is a Teacher Appreciation Week unlike any other. While we sit home trying to manage how to rebuild connections, support our kids and their families, and maintain a veil of sanity in these rare and challenging times, there seems to be a renewed appreciation for the work all of us do each day.
Princeton Hive is made up primarily of educators. We work in schools, classrooms, districts, and our experiences past and present in the classroom are what drives us to build and share. We are with you, and we appreciate all the teachers out there connecting with and helping their students navigate this incredibly trying time.
Please share your stories of teacher appreciation here: Teacher Appreciation Padlet
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